SCSH 1201: WEEK 1 Introduction to The Sustainable Development Goals

Assalamualaikum everyone! In a world facing complex challenges, the call for sustainable development has never been more urgent. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), established by the United Nations in 2015, stand as a beacon guiding nations, organizations, and individuals toward a more equitable, resilient, and sustainable future. There are basically 17 goals that have been allocated by the United Nations to sustain a better future in this precious world.

While governments and organizations play a pivotal role in achieving the SDGs, individuals can contribute to the global movement for sustainability. Simple actions like reducing waste, supporting ethical businesses, and staying informed about sustainable practices can collectively make a significant impact. As we navigate the path toward a more sustainable future,  let us remember that each action, no matter how small, contributes to the larger tapestry of global progress. 


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